Wednesday, November 18, 2015

1 down, 2 to go

Humanities Core, oh how far the journey has been and yet there's still more to go.

At this point in time, reflecting on this past quarter it has been both ups and downs. A lot of times during lecture I would feel like....

But then I would go to discussion and suddenly I'm like..

Overall the most prominent thought I'm leaving this quarter of humanities core with is that there are many types of writing that can have different influences on the meaning of the text. I would never look at HOW the text was written before, I would simply just read and get the main point or story. As a reader I had never thought about how everything the author wrote had a purpose for being in the story, even more, I never realized that even the things that are not written are also important to notice. My favorite example of this was in Memorial by Alice Oswald. Just the way she subtracted the glory of killing presented in the Iliad was really interesting to me because it really did become a powerful anti war piece overall. 

As far as my definition of war, it hasn't really changed for me, due to the fact that I've always viewed it as a complicated negative situation. One point that really struck me that correlates to war is when Professor Izenberg said that in the Iliad the warriors, specifically Hector, had to strip away the same values he's protecting to fight for his city. To protect their culture, peace, and home the soldiers must against those very beliefs in order to save it for others. That point was just an eye opener for me because I had never thought about it that way. It just increased the amount of respect I have for our soldiers fighting for our freedom here in the US. 

After experiencing Humanities Core for 1 quarter, I can truly say that I am excited to move on and learn new things in the quarters to come. Even if it does mean I have to read all night. 

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