Wednesday, June 8, 2016

END OF HUMCORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 3 quarters of Humanities Core, I have learned that there can be deeper meanings behind almost anything.

Looking at the world from a humanistic approach is not something I used to but now it's interesting because it's trying to find the meaning behind anything and see how it relates to the individual and the society as a whole.

My favorite parts of the quarter was doing film analysis, not only because it's shorter than reading but because I like seeing into the director's mind and finding the purpose behind each shot. I also enjoyed the analysis of art pieces because every single time I would see something new or someone would point out something I had never noticed before. The cool thing about art is that its entirely in the control of artist so every part of it is intentional and that's brilliant. 

Overall I feel what benefit me the most was the fact that I learned so much about different conflicts and wars and things I didn't know went on or are going on in the world. It felt enlightening although sometimes it was overwhelming.
It's been a great year though! 

Researching Thoughts

In order to be prepared for my research essay on Red Dawn, the 1984 original version, I researched on Cold War propaganda. What was a shock to me was that how much fear the propaganda created in people, and I just could not believe how people were so convinced by it. I mean looking back with knowledge on the subject matter it's easy to judge, but it really opened my eyes to how much control the media has on people.

My own personal experience I know that advertisements use different techniques to persuade people to buy their products. For example,

The real shock to me was the government's hand in the media and films during this time and to this day. The fact that ideas and mindsets can be spread through media it's kind of scary and intriguing at the same time. These are my thoughts so far on my paper! 

Boot Camp Brutality

Set with the task of writing a literary journalism piece and completing an interview to be the basis of it I found myself drawn to the boot camp experience when joining the military.

Previous to Humanities Core, I just thought that boot camp was physically demanding and if the person is tough enough they could handle it. But then after watching Full Metal Jacket I got to witness how it can be mentally detrimental it can be.

A character in the film was falling behind in training and he was harassed to the point where he committed suicide after killing his army recruiter. The main character, Joker, goes through training pretty well and a lot of the people he meets are waiting for him to get the "thousand yard" stare. The end of the movie after he has to commit an act against his own moral beliefs and he is left with that thousand yard stare.

Then when I interviewed a family friend about his experience even during peace time. He recalled how it was and compared it to slavery. After that experience, I now believe that boot camp strips the humanity of a recruit in order to make them more prepared for killing.